Valeting saves you money
After your house, your car is probably the second biggest investment you will ever make. So doesn’t it make sense to look after your investment? If you buy any car price guide, you will see that the difference in price between a car in poor condition and a car in excellent condition can run into thousands of pounds.
Valet services and regular valeting can help keep your car in excellent condition. Valeting is not an expense, it’s an investment. Prevention is better than cure. We can offer a wide range of services to repair and rectify problems, but it’s far better to come and see us first and avoid some of those problems altogether. When you have bought your new car, bring it to A1 Car Valet Services and we can offer you a range of services that can help protect and maintain.

Keeps your car looking younger
A good quality sealant protects your paintwork and keeps your car looking younger for longer. It prevents your car from fading and going dull and even offers some protection against stone chips and scratches. Your paintwork isn’t there just to look pretty. Paintwork protects your car’s bodywork from rust. So it makes sense to protect this paintwork with a paint sealant and even protect the sealant with a good quality wax.
Not only will this protect your car from corrosion, but it will leave your car as shiny as glass so the rain and dirt just slides off, making it easier to keep clean. Doesn’t it make sense to do this from the very beginning? Not only are our paint sealants up to 60% cheaper than dealership prices, but you can make further savings by taking advantage of our regular special offers.
Most people have heard of Scotchguard, we can provide fabric protectors and coatings that prevent permanent stains, help keep your fabric clean, and can even kill dust mites which cause allergies and asthma in children.

Protect your investment
Once your car is prepared and protected, it makes sense to keep it that way. Taking your car to the car wash just won’t do. In fact, much of our work involves rectifying the damage done to paintwork by car washes.
Next time you are tempted to take your car through a car wash, we recommend getting out of your car and going to feel the brushes, if we tell you that we only use 100% cotton and special microfibre cloths because anything else will scratch the paintwork, you will see what we mean.
You are far better off washing your car yourself, and if you allow us to keep your car waxed and polished, this should be as easy as pointing a hose pipe!

A secret the pros know
Valeting has been a secret that the car trade has known for years. They buy cars cheaply, then use our services to increase the value before selling. While many people still think that having a car valet is “just a good clean” some have caught onto the idea that valeting increases the value of their vehicle, but the really smart people know that having a regular valet every few months means they get the benefit. Having a major valet just before you sell is a great idea, but why give a valet away to a buyer?
Keep your car in tip-top condition while you own it. A visit to A1 Car Valet Services every few months helps us keep on top of those problems which if left unchecked can permanently devalue your car.